Tag: Russia
My morning routine typically consists of getting the kids up, packing lunches, getting them off to school and trying to wind down with a podcast on my way to work. The podcasts vary, but I usually start my day with The President’s Daily Brief. It is a very good daily
Looking to the Past to Leverage Future Technology: Armed Overwatch
It has been a looong time since I have taken the time to write. Mostly because I have been busy with my actual job, side projects and a change to the kids’ school schedule, but honestly one of the biggest factors was the war in Ukraine. It caught me so off guard
Daily Dump: Resistance, Vultures and More – February 1, 2022
Resistance is the unifying theme of the day as it takes all forms in stories from around the world. We could consult the bible of Resistance from ARIS Studies but we will stick to the headlines. Did you know there was a breakaway province in Moldova? I didn’t but does it
Daily Dump: Spheres of Influence, Taiwan and the Greater Pacific, War and Disease, The Betrayal and More: January 21, 2022
Ukraine and Taiwan dominate the headlines today and their stories, rightly or wrongly, are being linked together but I agree with the basic premise of the War on the Rocks: Taiwan Is Not Ukraine: Stop Linking Their Fates Together. In the current geopolitical moment, the
Ukraine, A Country Divided: What are the Economic Impacts if Ukraine Joins NATO
The crisis and threat of war in Ukraine has dominated the headlines for a couple weeks and this morning was no different with Al Jazeera reporting: Nord Stream 2: Why Russia’s pipeline to Europe divides the West. The article details another aspect of the conflict. Here are
NATO may be Cooked-How Turkey is Stirring Conflict in the Region: Part I
Image obtained from: https://www.cfr.org/article/turkey-lying-about-fighting-isis It has been project week at the house again so writing time has been limited. This time, it’s custom ship-lap bunk beds and a total room makeover…I hope it turns out. However, I have been able
Exploiting Fissures: Potential Areas for Exploitation in Russia and China Relations?
Chinese border guards jostle with their Soviet counterparts on the disputed Zhenbao Island, 1969, image obtained from: https://www.historyanswers.co.uk/history-of-war/the-sino-soviet-border-war-why-the-ussr-nearly-nuked-china/ We are wrapping up another class and before I
Contributor: Introduction to Strategic Analysis
Ryan Nye is back with another great article on Strategic Analysis. Today he tackles the how and where to begin in the process. A quick recap: Ryan is a Green Beret officer who is currently pursuing an advanced degree in Political Science. He has several overseas deployments,
Guest Post / Contributor: Great Power Competition: A Primer
Since the concept for this project first started to develop, I have always wanted to feature ‘guest posts.” Posts from people other than myself that I feel can provide added value to what we are trying to accomplish here at The Cognitive Warrior Project. Today will be the
Book Discussion: The Dragons and The Snakes: Part 4 – Chapter 5: China
This chapter has solidified my belief that China is THE adversary in the Great Global Competition. With all of their foreign investments, one belt one road and the new maritime silk road initiative has China created a vulnerability to strategically targeted advancement of